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來源:Hellokid在線英語2020-05-11 19:44:34



1. Good! 好!

2. Great! 棒 !

3. Brilliant! 很好!

4. Fantastic! 好了!

5. Excellent! 好極了!

6. Very good! 很好!

7. Well done! 做得好!

8. Good  job! 做得好!

9. So smart! 真聰明!

10. First class! 真是一流!

11. You are right! 你是正確的!

12. You have a flash of wit! 你很機(jī)靈!

13. Wonderful thinking! 思考得太棒了!

14. You have a good head for English! 你在英語方面非常聰明!

15. Congratulations, you’re good at English, keep it up! 祝賀你,你英語很好,保持下去!

16. You’re very gifted! 你很有天賦!

17. You’re doing fine! 你做得好!

18. I like your voice! 我喜歡你的聲音!

19.Wow,you are out of my expectations!哇,你表現(xiàn)地超乎我的想象!

20. You work hard enough! 你學(xué)習(xí)夠努力!

21. You speak very fluently!你說得很流利!

22. You sound very British! 你的發(fā)音聽起來像個(gè)英國人!

23. You read quite well! 你讀得非常好!

24. That is coming along nicely! 你的路子是對的!

25. You are very good at it! 你在這方面很擅長!

26. This is an OK idea! 這個(gè)主意能行通的!

27. Nothing can stop you now! 現(xiàn)在你已經(jīng)無敵了!

28. You are doing very well today! 你今天做得很好!

29 .You work hard enough! 你學(xué)習(xí)夠努力!

30. I’m glad you studied well! 我很高興你們學(xué)得這么好!

31. It stands to reason! 言之有理!

32. It can’t be any clear! 再清楚不過了!

33. I’m quite satisfied with your answer! 我對你的答案很滿意!

34. That’s enough! 足夠了!

35. You are well prepared! 你準(zhǔn)備得很好!

36. That’s a very good viewpoint! 這個(gè)觀點(diǎn)很好!

37. Sound all right! 聽起來不錯(cuò)!

38. That’s incredible! 簡直妙極了!

39. You’re on top of it! 你是數(shù)一數(shù)二的!

40. You’re a treasure! 你是個(gè)得力助手!

41. You’re on target! 你達(dá)到目標(biāo)了!

42. I want to say, I love you! 我想說,我愛你!

43. I like the way you handle it! 我欣賞你的做法!

44. You’ve answered correctly! 你回答得非常正確!

45. What an imagination! 多么豐富的想象力啊!

46. You often have miracles! 你經(jīng)常創(chuàng)造奇跡!

47. You are always the best! 你經(jīng)常是 棒的!

48. You’re very quick at picking up things! 你記東西很快!

49. Your handwriting is very beautiful! 你的書法真漂亮!

60. Couldn’t have done it better myself! 我都做不了這么好!


1. I hope you’ll persist in your efforts! 我希望你再接再厲!

2. You must work harder! 你必須努力!

3. Don`t give up! 別放棄!

4. You can do it! 你能行!

5. Almost right! 幾乎快對了!

6. Don’t be shy! 不要害羞!

7. Take it easy! 別緊張!

8. Don`t be nervous! 別緊張!

9. Try again! 再試一次!

10. Come on,my kids!加油,孩子們!

11. I think you can do it better!我相信你可以做得更好!

12. I couldn’t have given a better answer myself! 我要說的答案也不過如此!

13.You are improving! 你一直在進(jìn)步!

14. You've made great progress! 你進(jìn)步很大!

15. I can see your progress! 我能看到你進(jìn)步!

16. There is room for improvement! 還有提升的空間!

17. Again, but this time more politely! 再來一次,但這次要更禮貌些!

18. Again, but watch your pronunciation! 再來一次,但這次要注意發(fā)音!

19. I’m sure you’ll do better next time!  我相信下次你會(huì)做得更好!

20. Try again,you are almost there!再試一次,你離正確已經(jīng)很近了!

21. You’ve just about mastered that! 你馬上就要掌握了!

22. You are doing that much better today! 你今天做得更好了!

23. That’s the way to do it! 就該這樣做!

24. I’m proud of the way you worked today! 你今天做得很棒,我真為你感到高興!

25. I have confidence in your judgment! 我堅(jiān)信你的判斷!

26. I know you could do it! 我知道你能做到的!

27. You’ve got a lot today! 你今天學(xué)到了很多!

28. You are making progress every day! 你天天都在進(jìn)步!

29. You’re on your way! 你正在進(jìn)步!

30. Now ask properly! 這次換個(gè)說法問!

31. What can I do for you? 我能幫你做些什么嗎?

32. You’ll make it! 你一定能成功的!

33. I believe you’ll handle it! 我相信你能行!

34. You’re really working hard today! 今天你很努力!

35. That’s the way to do it! 就該這樣做!

36. Now you’ve figured it out! 你做出來了!

37. Now you have it! 你做到了!

38. Keep working on it. You’re getting better! 繼續(xù)努力,你會(huì)做得更好!

39. You certainly did well today!你今天做得不錯(cuò)!

40. I think you’ve got now! 我想你已經(jīng)會(huì)了!

41. You remembered! 你已經(jīng)記住了!

42. It’s better this time! 這次好多了!

43. You can understand English better now! 你現(xiàn)在對英語的理解能力比以前好多了!

44. You can express yourself in English quite freely now! 現(xiàn)在你可以自如地用英語表達(dá)了!

45. One more time and you’ll have it! 再試一次你就能成功了!

46. What if I give you a clue? 如果我給你個(gè)提示怎么樣?

47. I’ll help you if you get stuck! 如果你不能繼續(xù)下去,我會(huì)幫助你的!

48. All right, one more!不錯(cuò),再來一個(gè)!

49. You’ve improved a lot! 你改進(jìn)了不少!

60. I like the girl you are now!我喜歡現(xiàn)在的你!


1. That wasn’t very good! 那真不太好!

2. I was very dissatisfied with that! 我對這很不滿意!

3. Come on. Can’t you do it better than that? 嘿,你難道不能做得更好些嗎?

4. Good try, but not quite right! 敢試就好,不過還是不太對!

5. Don’t be misled by your mother tongue! 不要受你母語的干擾!

6. You’ll have to spend more time practicing this! 你還得花更多的時(shí)間練習(xí)!

7. Not really! 不完全對!

8. You cannot use that word here! 這里不能用這個(gè)詞!

9. I’m afraid that’s not quite right! 恐怕這不對!

10. That was terrible! 太可怕了!

11. You need some more practice with these words! 這些詞你還需要多度練習(xí)才行!

12. You still have some trouble with your spelling! 你的拼寫仍然有問題!

13. That was rather disappointing! 這實(shí)在讓人失望!

14. Do you find any difficulties to read aloud? 你覺得大聲朗讀很難嗎?

15. A bit more effort! 再加把勁兒!

16. That sentence sounds a bit awkward! 這個(gè)句子聽起來有點(diǎn)別扭!

17. Your answer is off the point! 你的答案偏離了主題!

18. I can’t guess what you mean! 我猜不出來你要說什么!

19. You’d better think about it! 你 好再好好想想!

20. You are too careless! 你太粗心了!


1. Good or very good? 好還是很好?

2. Which group is the best? 哪個(gè)小組 棒?

3. Who is the best? 誰 棒?

4. What about them? 他們怎么樣?

5. Why are they the winner? 為什么他們贏了?

6. That two methods are the same in effect! 這兩種方法結(jié)果是一樣的!

7. This article is interesting! 這篇文章很有意思!

8. OK so far? 到現(xiàn)在為止都明白了嗎?

9. I mean that you should get it done at school! 我的意思是你們應(yīng)該在學(xué)校把它完成了!

10. Now we’ll play a guessing game! 現(xiàn)在我們來玩?zhèn)猜謎游戲!

11. Guess what I’m drawing! 猜猜我畫的是什么!

12. What you have to do is to guess! 你們要做的就是猜一猜!

13. These two rows are one team! 兩排為一組!

14. Four peo in one group! 四人為一組!

15. You keep the score, Mary! 瑪麗,你來記分!

16. What am I holding behind my back? I will give you three guesses! 猜猜我背后拿的是什么,給你們?nèi)尾碌臋C(jī)會(huì)!

17. The winner is group1! 一組獲勝了!

18. It’s a close finish! 旗鼓相當(dāng)!

19. Both teams got three stars. It’s a tie! 兩隊(duì)均得三個(gè)星,不分勝負(fù)!

20. Let’s have a rest and enjoy a song! 讓我們休息一會(huì),來聽首歌!










書面點(diǎn)評指教師用批改書面作業(yè)的方式來點(diǎn)評。要特別注意避免傳統(tǒng)的逢對必勾、有錯(cuò)必叉、打分?jǐn)?shù)、劃等級等。應(yīng)該因年級不同、同一班級內(nèi)學(xué)生水平不同而選擇適當(dāng)?shù)姆绞。如,級可以選擇圖文并茂的方式,“小學(xué)英語課堂教學(xué)多樣化點(diǎn)評語言與點(diǎn)評形式+Nice!” ;對于個(gè)性需要溝通的學(xué)生,也可以通過書面點(diǎn)評進(jìn)行交流和教育,如下圖:




T: Many peo think winter is cold. And what do you think?

S: I think winter is warm.

T: Why do you think it is warm?

S: In winter, I can sit with my parents, and we can watch TV in the living room.     T: You like to get together with your family. So, you feel water is warm, right?

S: Yes!

T: Yeah, I think it will be very warm when you are with your family. So water is warm .I like your viewpoint!


對比點(diǎn)評指教師通過引導(dǎo)學(xué)生對比自己和他人,并給自己和他人做出點(diǎn)評。如教師可以引導(dǎo):Do you think you listen to the tape more carefully or not than your desk mate?


自主點(diǎn)評指教師通過恰當(dāng)?shù)囊龑?dǎo),使學(xué)生自己對自己進(jìn)行點(diǎn)評。如教師可以引導(dǎo):How do you think about your pronunciation?


互相點(diǎn)評指教師通過恰當(dāng)?shù)囊龑?dǎo),使學(xué)生對同學(xué)進(jìn)行點(diǎn)評。如教師可以引導(dǎo):How do you think about his writing?






綜合點(diǎn)評指將多種點(diǎn)評方式綜合使用, 終給出更全面的點(diǎn)評。如將課堂點(diǎn)評和課后點(diǎn)評結(jié)合,將聽、說、讀、寫四方面的點(diǎn)評綜合在一起給出 終點(diǎn)評等。












近日,hellokid在線少兒英語榮獲企業(yè)家日報(bào)社、浙江企業(yè)家理事會(huì)聯(lián)合評比的315誠信示范企業(yè)榮譽(yù)表彰。 企業(yè)家日報(bào)社、浙江企業(yè)家...