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來源:Hellokid在線英語2020-05-11 19:44:34

  love  愛

  Among the more curious questions that can beasked about love is this,when one feels romanticlove, does he feel it in breaks with interruptions orchanges, or does he feel it continuously withoutinterruption orchange? Poetry and song seduce oneinto thinking love continues without interruption. “Love is not love which alters when it alterationfinds,” wrote Shakespeare in one of his famoussonnets, “love is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken.” hecontinued. And (Elizabeth Berra Browning) wrote of her constancy to her husband Robert, insuch lines is this,"what I do and what I dream include he." Some of the greatest operas alsopraise the ever-lasting love by some heroes and heroines dying for it.

  你可能會被問及很多有趣的問題,其中關(guān)于愛的是:一個人是在愛受阻礙時還是在不受阻礙時感覺到愛是浪漫的? 詩歌和歌曲可以引誘我們進(jìn)入愛的遐想之中,一刻不被打擾。“愛算不得真愛,若是一看見人家改變便轉(zhuǎn)舵,”莎士比亞在他一首著名的十四行詩中寫道,“愛是亙古長明的塔燈,它定睛望著風(fēng)暴卻兀不為動”。伊麗莎白.巴萊特.白朗寧在表達(dá)她對丈夫羅伯特的忠貞不渝時如此寫道:“我做的和我想的都有他。”一些偉大的歌劇同樣贊揚男女主人公渴望的那種永恒的愛。

  In reality, love probably goes on with breaks and interruptions. First, it is difficult to supposethat one can experience anything continuously. Sleep interrupts wakefulness, and sleep itself isinterrupted by dreams and nightmares.The feeling one has for his lover during wakefulnessmay be (blooded out) or intensified by sleep, in either case, the feeling changes. When one isawake, he cannot fix his eyes or his attention constantly on a single object, he must blink ifnothing else. More likely, he will look to something else for variety or (from neccessity). Hismind may turn to the stock market, or he may become fascinated by the operation of a piledriver on his way to work. His focus for much of his day is on work, as he closes the door to hisoffice, his thought may turn to his love, but sitting at his desk, his eyes fix on the print andfigures there.


  Pain and pleasure, either one (can distract) a love from concentrating on his love. Pain causeeverything to itself, one can forget one’s love for a period even over a (stubbed toe). Thepleasure of too much food or drink can be totally absorbing. The pleasure, even of one’s lover,may become boring periodically. Often the greatest distraction is oneself.As times, thepreoccupation with “self”,the worry over “self”, the development of “self”, the delight in “self”admit no other thought. Lovely as love might be, one can neither live nor love continuously. Atbest, a lover can only echo the words of the poet, (Ernest Dpwson), and say “I have beenfaithful to the in-mind fashion.”

  痛苦或歡樂都會分散一個人的愛。痛苦讓人忘記一切,可以讓人們暫時忘記愛情,甚至在受傷的時候也如此。食物所帶來的歡樂完全吸引人,但甚至是來自愛的歡樂也會定期變得無聊。通常 大的分散者是自身。有時全神貫注,有時愁眉苦臉,有時積極向上,有時歡樂愉悅,這些都不會夾雜著其他想法。愛可能讓人愉悅,但一個人無法不停歇地活著或愛著。充其量愛只能回蕩在詩人(歐內(nèi)斯特 的文森)的詩句中“我在心里對你依舊忠誠。”










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